22 February 2010

Spending Hiatus - Week Three

Image: Flickr

Image: Enhabiten

So I haven't done too well this last week, there was a big ticket item, a pair of sunglasses was bought to replace ones that J broke. All I can say is that it is high summer and having pale eyes I find the glare of the sunlight too strong to walk around without my eyes being protected. Plus they were 25% off!
Oh and another confession, my husband bought me that dress I wanted so much, does that count as breaking the hiatus when it came out of our joint account?
There was also the christening gift, but that was a necessity, but again it wasn't a cheap item it was George Jensen. Still it will be a an heirloom piece from her cousins.
Apart from that I've been pretty good, just bought food.
I have also raided my fabric stash and have begun making two cushions based on the designs (red cross in the first image) above. They will be put on the bed in the guest bedroom. My mum of course is contributing with the crochet.
I hope I do a bit better this week with my spending.
Have a happy day.


  1. Well done Engracia:) Sunnies are a necessity, not a luxury! A gift from hubby doesn't count, nor would a present for someone else, I am sure! Can't wait to see the cushions you are making, I love Enhabiten!! Happy sewing ~ Tina x

  2. Bottom line it made you happy..and thats all that matters :) at least thats what I say to myself each time I splurge...lol x
